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The Oak Foils Process
Surfboards are so particular to each rider. There are many different variables to consider when selecting a surfboard - type of wave, experience level, how frequently you surf, short board, long board, knee board, alternative board, what do I want to do on this board, etc. And those questions are only a fraction of what a competent shaper asks when formulating a board for a customer.
In general, boards that you find off the rack have been worked out and proven thru rider feedback over long periods of time. Shaper shapes board, rider rides board, rider gives feedback to shaper, then shaper makes modifications to said shape. The process repeats until a balance in all aspects of performance is achieved. This is great. This is what we want to take things to a higher level of performance and board building. The one caveat is that this is an expensive process, and the riders developing these off the rack boards are what we call the 1%’ers. Meaning, not everyone has their ability. So what does that mean for the average Joe? It means generally speaking, that the boards they’re getting off the rack are not meeting the needs of their ability, thus their surfing does not progress.
It’s a vicious cycle. Especially if you’re trying to progress and you’re going thru boards with an average price tag of $800. Expensive habit!
When you get a board from Oak Foils, you are getting a board that is particular to YOU. Instead of getting a board formulated from a pro level ability and fitness level, you are getting a board formulated to your level of ability and fitness level.
It all starts with deck rocker. After formulation, your custom deck rocker is sent to the US Blanks factory. Your blank is glued up and sent to Oak Foils to then be shaped. From the very start it is particular to you. The blank isn’t just a stock blank “off the rack” that will yield the required dims of your shape. It was custom made with a specified deck rocker. This is an important feature in that PU blanks get softer/ weaker the more you mill off the surface. With a custom curve on the deck rocker, it ensures that only the thinest amount of foam is removed, as to preserve the strength of the deck and the flex of the board. This translates to better flex/ less prone to pressure dents/ longer board life.
This is only the tip of the ice berg.
Foot size, weight, physique, fin placement, current quiver etc to name a few are all considered when formulating a board.
The devil is in the details.
When you ride an Oak Foils you are a leaf on the proverbial tree. A team rider. Your board comes from the same process as designing for a 1%’er.